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Battle Mesh

Sadly, it doesn’t look like the organizers posted any results from their expirements. They have a github repository and youtube playlist of some of the talks given. UPC donated 20 WRTnodes for the event. There were about 60 confirmed attendees to the event.

What they Actually Did

As best I can tell they downloaded and ran the wibed on their hardware. The stated goal was to “run different routing protocols…perform some tests and see which routing protocol behaves better”. Several of the participants were from the creators of the mesh protocols, I can only assume that they took the knowledge gained applied it to their codebases.

What to look for in v8

Looks like more of the same, the venu will give options for indoor and outdoor testing. There are 3 participants registered affiliated with cjdns It is taking place in Maribor, Slovenia.

In the next blog post

A deep dive into cjdns. I will be running it on my wrtnode, laptop, and my old router that is openwrt comaptible. Another possibility would be to use containers on a local system.